Base for 1CH CP3100

An exclusive base made up of the CP300 Series converter power source, input and output terminal areas, etc.
When using this device, make sure to use it together with the CP3000 Series converter.

Products in the same category

  • Potentiometer Converter CP3010

    Potentiometer Converter CP3010

    Detects changes in potentiometer resistance value and converts it into various DC signals for output.
    This is an insulator output potentiometer converter.

  • CT AC-DC Signal Input Converter CP3020

    CT AC-DC Signal Input Converter CP3020

    Converts AC current signal from CT (regulator) into various DC signals for output.
    This is an insulator output CT converter.

  • PT AC-DC Signal Converter CP3021

    PT AC-DC Signal Converter CP3021

    Converts AC voltage signal from PT (transformer) into various DC signals for output.
    This is an insulator output PT converter.

  • Dummy Converter CP3090

    Dummy Converter CP3090

    Dummy converter is for use of CP3200, without using a converter, to fill empty space.
    Electrically, it has no function at all, but it prevents clogging up by dust, etc., of the socket of the CP3200's empty terminal.